Legal Notice

Owner details

Hyerdis, Limited Company, capital of 1.000.000,00 Euros

Head Quarters : 265 Avenue Mario Bénard, 83400 Hyères SIREN : 347 458 085 RCS Toulon– N° TVA : FR45347458085


Identification of person in charge of contents

M. Gaëtan Guinard.



Karma Consult SAS, 3 Place Masséna, 06000 Nice.


Hosting company

SAS OVH – 2 rue Kellermann, BP 80157, 59100 Roubaix – 09 72 10 10 07


Right of access, opposition to collected data

The information you provide on the site allows us to process your booking requests. The information essential for to process online reservations is indicated by an asterisk (*) on the pages of the site. The other information requested is optional. This data will also be subject to computer processing for the purpose of commercial prospecting. In application of the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have a right of opposition, access, and rectification of the data concerning you of which the company Hyerdis is the recipient. All you need to do is write to us at the following address: Hyerdis, 265 Avenue Mario Bénard, 83400 Hyères


Use of Cookies

Browsing on the site may lead to the installation of cookies on your computer. Their use makes your navigation more fluid. You can refuse the installation of the cookie on your computer, but such a refusal may prevent access to certain services on the site. To refuse them, use the Options of your Internet Browser. If you use Internet Explorer as your browser, click on the “Tools / Internet Options” menu, “Privacy” tab. Click on the “Advanced” button, check the box “Override automatic cookie management” then select the “Refuse” option for both types of cookies.


Use, Transfer of data

Unless you object, Hyerdis may communicate this optional information about you to its partners. Unless you object, Hyerdis may send you, by post and e-mail, particularly in the context of the information letter (or newsletter), information allowing you to better know and better use the site, to to make you benefit from the promotional offers published on the site, and to offer you offers from commercial partners.


Owner details

Hyerdis, Limited Company, capital of 1.000.000,00 Euros

Head Quarters : 265 Avenue Mario Bénard, 83400 Hyères SIREN : 347 458 085 RCS Toulon– N° TVA : FR45347458085


Identification of person in charge of contents

M. Gaëtan Guinard.



Karma Consult SAS, 3 Place Masséna, 06000 Nice.


Hosting company

SAS OVH – 2 rue Kellermann, BP 80157, 59100 Roubaix – 09 72 10 10 07


Right of access, opposition to collected data

The information you provide on the site allows us to process your booking requests. The information essential for to process online reservations is indicated by an asterisk (*) on the pages of the site. The other information requested is optional. This data will also be subject to computer processing for the purpose of commercial prospecting. In application of the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have a right of opposition, access, and rectification of the data concerning you of which the company Aixia Location is the recipient. All you need to do is write to us at the following address: Hyerdis, 265 Avenue Mario Bénard, 83400 Hyères


Use of Cookies

Browsing on the site may lead to the installation of cookies on your computer. Their use makes your navigation more fluid. You can refuse the installation of the cookie on your computer, but such a refusal may prevent access to certain services on the site. To refuse them, use the Options of your Internet Browser. If you use Internet Explorer as your browser, click on the “Tools / Internet Options” menu, “Privacy” tab. Click on the “Advanced” button, check the box “Override automatic cookie management” then select the “Refuse” option for both types of cookies.


Use, Transfer of data

Unless you object, Hyerdis may communicate this optional information about you to its partners. Unless you object, Hyerdis may send you, by post and e-mail, particularly in the context of the information letter (or newsletter), information allowing you to better know and better use the site, to to make you benefit from the promotional offers published on the site, and to offer you offers from commercial partners.


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